Biodata/Profil Jang Dong GunBiodata/Profil Jang Dong Gun - Halo Sobat Semua gimana Kabarnya Hari Ini Semoga Sehat dan Lancar Dalam Menjalankan Aktifitas Sehari harinya. Oke Pada Postingan Kali ini Blog Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang
Biodata/Profil Jang Dong Gun, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua. -
Jang Dong Gun |
Biodata/Profil- Nama: 장동건 / Jang Dong Gun (Jang Dong Geon)
- Profesi: Aktor
- Tanggal lahir: 7 Maret 1972
- Tempat lahir: Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea Selatan
- Tinggi: 182 cm
- Berat: 68kg
- Zodiak: Pisces
- Golongan darah: O
- Talent agency: SM C & C
Drama TV yang Telah di Bintangi- A Gentleman's Dignity (SBS, 2012)
- All About Eve (MBC, 2000)
- Springtime (MBC, 1999)
- Ghost (SBS, 1999)
- Love (MBC, 1998)
- Ready Go! (MBC, 1997)
- Model (SBS, 1997)
- Myth of a Hero (MBC, 1997)
- Medical Brothers (MBC, 1997)
- Icing (MBC, 1996)
- The Last Game (MBC, 1994)
- Il-Ji-Mae (MBC, 1994)
- Our Heaven (MBC, 1993)
Film yang Telah di Bintangi - Dangerous Liaisons (2012)
- My Way (2011)
- The Warrior's Way (2010)
- Good Morning, President (2009)
- Laundry Warrior
- The Promise (2005)
- Typhoon (2005)
- Taegukgi (2004)
- The Coast Guard (2002)
- 2009 Lost Memories (2002)
- Friend (2001)
- The Anarchist (2000)
- Nowhere to Hide (1999)
- Love Wind Love Song (1999)
- First Kiss (1998, cameo)
- Holiday in Seoul (1997)
- Repechage (1997)
Penghargaan yang Pernah Diraih- 2012 SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actor - Weekend/Serial Drama (A Gentleman's Dignity)
- 2012 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars Award (A Gentleman's Dignity)
- 2012 5th Style Icon Awards: Style Icon of the Year
- 2012 5th Style Icon Awards: Top 10 Style Icons
- 2007 15th Chunsa Film Festival: Hallyu Culture Award
- 2005 2nd Max Movie Awards: Best Actor ("Typhoon")
- 2004 Blue Dragon Film Festival: Best Actor Award ("Taegukgi")
- 2001 Blue Dragon Film Festival: Most Popular Actor Award
- 2001 46th Asia-Pacific International Film Festival: Best Supporting Actor ("Friend")
- 2000 Blue Dragon Film Festival: Popularity Award
- 1999 Chung-Ryong Movie Festival: Best Supporting Actor Award ("Nowhere to Hide")
- 1997 Chung-Ryong Movie Festival: New Actor Award ("Repechage")
- 1997 MBC Drama Awards: Best Actor Award (Medical Brothers)
- 1997 Paeksang Arts Awards: TV Drama Popular Actor Award (Medical Brothers)
- 1994 Paeksang Arts Awards: TV Drama New Actor Award (The Last Game)
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Biodata/Profil Jang Dong Gun